My focus is completely and utterly resolved in other areas right now. One namely, and has been for the better part of the last 3 years, - Short Track. This leaves me with not a ton of room for me to excel in school. And when I don't get top grades, which I know I can achieve when I pour my heart into it, it's rather discouraging.
My feelings on this are renewed every year around this time, when I have to sit down and find classes to take. Either I can't get into them because they're already full, or I can't take them because it conflicts with my training times. And thus, leaving me with very few second pick options.
Don't get me wrong, there are those that can succeed in both simultaneously. Good for them! But you know what? I'm not one of them. I just don't like doing multiple things mediocre. I know my potential, and I'd prefer to do one thing exceptionally well. When it comes time for me to pull away from skating and finish off school I know I'll be way more enthusiastic about it.
I attribute (not all, but some of) my success and accomplishments in the past 3 years from the focus I drew upon that would have normally been spent on my University Studies. Everything else from either my very supportive family and good solid coaching, thanks Jon! Ha ha.
you gotta be able to spell grades if you want to get top "grads" haha