Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some Photos

Alex Fishi is a Short Tracker from Israel, he's been training with the OVAL program for the summer. Turns out he's a great photographer! Here are some of the pictures Alex' snapped since we've been on ice at the Olympic OVAL.

Warm up on our first day back on OVAL ice. "It's good to be back..."

Some relaxing relays, Reid Van Drecht is on my outside there about to exchange with Rob Watson. I think this was also the first day I was on raised cups. I stand a little taller now, haha, 4 mm actually. So for all the ladies that think I'm vertically challenged... I'm not anymore (at least on ice)!

Some "Harnessed Racing", it's a little slower paced because we're supposed to work on track pattern and passing strategies. But lets face it, they always end up turning into an all out race! Tyler Derraugh is directly behind me and Junpei Yoshizawa of Japan is closing a gap at the back.

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