Monday, June 6, 2011


Hello from Font-Romeu, France!

The rain seems to follow me everywhere these days. Not that I'm really complaining though, since I actually really like rain, but it would be nice for a switch up. It rained a lot in Calgary before we left for Penticton, and then the entire Penticton camp it rained every day. Don't worry though, I don't like rain because I'm depressed or anything. When you grow up in a city like Medicine Hat where it is dry and you're almost guaranteed sun for 300 days out of the year you kind of start looking forward to clouds and rain! Plus, Medicine Hat was always nice and warm when it rained; when you went outside you enjoyed it.

It was a rough trip here, as usual, because I am incapable of sleeping on planes. I managed to survive 36 hours without sleep which would finally culminate into a 9 hour coma last night. Remi literally had to punch me this morning to wake me up.

Last night we made a 20 minute quick trip into Spain for dinner. It was a very nice five course meal! Ha ha. It was actually only four for me as one was seafood related (allergies). I have a funny video involving some wine and a baby but that will have to wait for now.

First training was good and rough today. I am physically fit right now, but I am a little behind when it comes to skating shape. The team from Montreal has spent more time on ice doing lap volume than I have, so I right now I am playing a little catch. It won't be long though.

Anyways, that is enough for now. I will update more AND WITH PICTURES (when I finally take some) soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy!

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